answer are all found round the house. 1) a garden tool, no way. 2) colour of the stretcher. 3) heard in an inverted scale. 4) its hard graft, and French, get it. 5) a very gnarled tree. thank you for...
1) take her !!!!!!!! we hear. 2) a round of mince! no doubt. 3) these fliers, come back to nothing. 4) a sign! theres no grain here!!!!! thank for any help
1) found in a fun challenge. 2) I've mingle with the grand. 3) no ham, here, so get back for it. 4) a classy time, gone by !!!!! 5) this girl jumps, we hear. 6) indefinite article , found on a tree....
Collective Nouns. 1) A ***** OF CUBS. 2) A ***,****,*** OF SHEEP 3) A ***OR **** OF SWANS 4) A **** OF FLYS 5) A ***** OF RACE HORSES. THANKS FOR ANY HELP...
1) a zigzag braid for decorating or trimming clothes,soft furnishings etc. 2) worthless disreputable or undesirable people. 3) the fierce,unending competition for success,wealth etc in...
All answers contain "swi" 1) husband is very seldom at home. 2) glancing blow from a left or right. 3) part of a horse harness. 4) a golfer might practice this in reverse. Thbanks for any help...
International scout jamboree 1) Bruce's exhortation to his troops. 2)musical from Thailand heads north. 3) possible country chief. 4) change in vowel giving female Hollywood star. Thanks for any help
Place name in Aberdeenshire 1) sounds like a measurement. We have insch for this one and now someone has given that answer for sounds like a Scottish island....
1) type of opera 2) before written word and electrically charged particle. 3) English shoemakers mould, surgical procedure cut short, final. 4) utter abulation , 5) against infected. 6) unit of heat...