An excellent piece from Andrew Neil. For me I cannot vote for a big Government, high taxation and high spending Party. The Torys should be about reducing taxation for individuals and companies and...
I see Tim Martin is moaning because his pubs have run out of beer(thanks to Brexit),he is moaning because his pubs have run out of staff(thanks to Brexit).Its a good thing that Tim Martin wasnt a...
Or just the beginning of the end for this Tory Govt. With Sir Keir Starmers excellent speech at yesterdays conference. Is the tide now starting to turn on the "Clear blue water" for the Cons,after a...
BBC News Brexit: 71 pages of paperwork for 1 lorry of fish The title says it all, B-exit equals more paperwork not less!! Examples of less paperwork.....
I feed the local birds. Get plenty of Blue Tits, Great Tits. One or two Blackbirds. The occasional Thrush. Even got a Pied Woodpecker coming on odd days. Never been able to attract Goldfinches. They...
.. I'm enjoying it, last night was very interesting I learnt a few new things! .. My IQ still untested, and it will remain so ;-) The Chasers Road Trip: Trains, Brains and Automobiles (2 of 3) Your...
What do you think of it?
Do you use a smartphone.. go on to (view)/use social media? .. take photos/selfies ? .. scan QR codes? .. use your phone for GPS (maps) and satnav navigation? Are you a youngster or an 'oldun (like...
I saw a post on Facebook but I verified each picture by googling it. In January there were a lot of corona case deaths in carehomes like a large amount died at once. Seams like they all had the...
Beekeeper told 15 million bees could be burned due to Brexit rules Unexpected consequences of leaving the...
When I was younger I think I had trouble with the words together and believe. I would spell together like TOGEATHER and I would spell believe like BEILIEVE cause I couldn’t figure it out....
The oldest message in a bottle ever recorded was found 132 years after it was sent.. AMAZING!! What message would you put in a bottle for a finder in the next century, and why would you put that...
BBC News Brexit: How much disruption has there been so far?
Disruption at the ports?.. Supply problems?.. Price increases? etc.. your comments?... Clearly none of the 27 members were consulted when the commission decided unilaterally to make a complete fool of itself and them by association. Does...