anagram of northern ireland town: Ulster learning
Also need help with SHESHEME. its a disguised phrase, name, song or saying.
Thanks all you clever people out there!...
Anagrams: Re arrange each anagram to create another word or words, first part is the clue followed by the anagram: MP Geek cling Holiday Island or shed Shade of blue Celt Eric Current World Champion...
Active baby from U.S.A. These birds sound happy. The sea shore. On your face. Has no dance partner. Sugary letter. Whip. Told by a clock. Ring in an english cathedral. Wants to wed a millionaire....
Its not a new mark (3, 4 two words) Mobile card gone a bit mad (9 letters) Freshen up the English county (7 letters) Drilling a beam (7 letters) This one's a sweater (5 letters) Take a short break...