hi,has anyone heard of dianetics,if so whats your take on it.dont know if i can be bothered to delve into it or not.ive read a little about it but was just wondering if anyone has read about it ,or...
Hey, Can anyone help me, What was the song that May put on the cd player in Eastenders tonight? Im sure its by Embrace or at least sounds like it is ... it went something like "Loving...spent a long...
I am a father that lives abroad from my son. I would like contact with him but his mother is hiding and wont give me the info i need to contact my son!! what can i do ?
hello .please could anyone help me find a site that could tell me what the opera pagliacci is about ,the song in the question title really gets the goose pimples rising.thanx for any help .x
At my Lodge (non-masonic, don't do all that funny handshake business) we may have to bow to the latest politically correct brigade and allow the fairer sex in. At the moment we do not even employ...
Well, Simon and Kristina - I would never have tipped those two to be in the final! Simon is a bit of a pillock, he is very funny (unintentionally) but I don't think he has what it takes to be Sir...
hello ,what was it that marc almond was supposed to have done,it was yrs ago ,people on tv have sometimes taken the micky out of him for what eva it was he did,i never have found out so perhaps some...
Why in a country of free speach am i told what to say and think? I have the ability to think for myself, God (whoever he is) gave me that right, so why am i confined to having to skirt around what i...
hi all,when i think of kids programes i used to watch,theres always one i cant put my finger on..right its a lion ,{i think} playing a guitar and theres other animal band members,it seems hippyish...
hi could any one tell me if there is a site that i could go on to see what type of pet would be most suited to my personality,,i dont seem to have much luck with cats ,but i adore them,,ive had 3 that...
hello,this may seem an odd question,but can anyone tell me if spiderman3 was on at the pictures tonight,ive looked on the odeon cinema times and its coming up as just tue,wed,thur...the reason i ask...
Stokeace In my last post I was questioning the veracity of your post about the immigrants and now you have gone quiet. Is this just a coincidence? By the way I tried google to search out the...
I don't really like the term PC, however for the purposes of this question I think it is useful to use it. I have friends and family members who often say things that make me cringe. I always take the...
As we start the see the sun on a more regular basis it is reminding us that summer is on its way which also means the smoking ban is nearly here. There will be no smoking allowed in public places...
hi it might seem a silly question but ive never been to a concert before and im going to see keane sunday ,,,,but i dont know what to wear...i dont want to look under dressed or over dressed....so can...