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The weather seems to be picking up for the weekend - is it too early for summer bedding to be started off outdoors in tubs and baskets or would it be better to wait a few weeks? (The plug plants have...
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can't seem to get on your link- attache is one of your answers
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52a yellowish-red dye obtained from seeds of tropical american tree used for colouring food and fabrics. annotto or annatto?
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Last one 4d Gearless model N?D? node?
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Is it New Zealand?
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Anyone got 77? I can only get 66 with kybosh????
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Anyone know where the mortuary temple of a king who died in the 12th century? Some city on the Nile?
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Celeb born March 9th 1970 (6,7) ?
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Did anyone manage to solve the sudoku in yesterdays Sun Exp? I think there's a number missing at C8 as the puzzles are usually symmetrical????
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longest inlet of the Baltic Sea? F.... F.....? Sorry don't know how many letters. I think this may have been asked before but I can't find the thread. Many thanks, Roslyn
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What has happened to members.lycos website? Can't seem to get on it today?
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sewing box - the answer is Borthwick - I cant access your question to answer it in the normal way.
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I was away last weekend so didn't have a telegraph - just found out I won the scrabble from the previous week - ?25 book token! Probably not worth entering again now!??
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2 word answers , both words start with F (I know there's no prize for this comp but i would like to finish it) 1. hip hop? thought funky fashion but don't really like it? 2. bluff in poker?
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21a stud chief (4) B?S? boss or best?
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31d Pre-assassination fate of trotsky under Stalinist regime (5) ?X?L? ..... exile?
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Is there a quick way to get to a question from 3 days ago say or do I just have to trawl through the pages??
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All the answers are 2 words both starting with F (e.g.fred flinstone ,fish fingers etc) 9. Nature book by Ronald Meyer 15. Quick snap 19. Accepted the German surrender in 1915 20. True or false 32....

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