Why is the government refusing to tackle the huge financial deficit of £40bn by looking at this years social security budget? ///The Treasury now forecasts total social security payments in...
Cameron has put forward his reasons for selecting the Conservaties. It is based on the one word 'CHANGE' But change to what? He has gave the names of 2 former ministers and says they will revive our...
As I understand it if Labour comes 3rd in the General Election behind the Tories and Liberals then Brown can remain in No 10 providing he has support from the Liberals. Is this democracy? Surely the...
Is it my imagination but ever since planes have been banned from flying over the UK the atmosphere seems cleaner? I know that 20,000+ft up we have the remnants of the icelandic volcano whizzing by but...
Now that the country is up to its eyes in debt we get the Tory slogan 'We're all in it together' but when the country was doing well we should gratefully accept all that the politicans have done for...
Yet again another scientist has not been given the highest award when it was justly earned. I refer to the discovery of Pulsars where the true discover was not even mentioned in the Nobel Lauriates....
On roads such as the M11 dual carriageway from Stansted to Cambridge the outside lane is banned for HGVs for a trial period of 1 year. Is this an acceptance of the failure to ugrade our motorways? Is...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8593118.stm Who should take the burden for funding of the elderly? Labour have suggested a death tax on the disceased estate of about £10,000 which goes into...
Heathrow expansion has almost reached saturation point. Gatwick and Stansted have room for expansion but are sited near to large populations. Assuming air travel will increase where is the best siting...
Can you buy more than 1 item with the coupon they send you? With the 4 for 1 offer it pays to use this method rather than hand them in for cash value. Our problem is they have sent a coupon for...
We believe he needs to see a psychiatrist. His symptoms include excessive hand washing. He weeps a lot. He keeps himself to himself in the bedroom for most part of the day. He refuses to attend...
The public are fed up with the main parties who promise a lot yet produce so little. Should we be more adventurous? Oak trees from little acorns grow so to speak. While the main parties are keeping...
Could anyone not marvel at the feast of football shown on TV yesterday involving Barcelona. Not the long aimless passes and bifff, bang wallop type served up for our consumption. Neat chips, running...
Petrol will soon cost £1.20 per litre after the government puts another 3p taxation on it. How high a price would be acceptable without leaving the car in the garage? There must be a limit! As...
Is human genetic code error correcting? I know you get mutations but the human race seems to overcome small deficiences.
As an analogy computer coding has an error correcting code....