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R1Geezer Ok so the've removed any potential control over unruly brats that teachers ever had, next up, exclusion! So now the majority of well behaved school...
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Do you think the current system encourages breeding in the workshy?
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anotheoldgit I had to think twice before I posted this disgustingly shocking news report. Why is it once again, that groups of either Asians or blacks are involved in such cases as this...
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// Business groups have welcomed the exclusion of intra-company transfers (ICTs) from the government's cap on skilled migrant workers from outside the European Economic Area. Businesses had argued...
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A second explosion has killed all those poor miners in New Zealand. I can't remember the last time a News story left me sitting in my car, crying. And what's the headline on the BBC News? ... Giving...
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On the assumption the 'alleged' robbery becomes a confirmed robbery, would the terms of his license mean he is hauled back to chokey for a term longer than would normally be warranted for a crime of...
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R1Geezer Yoof scum killing old ladies for their pension money? We've tried the softly softly approach for over a generation and we have succeeded in creating a...
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Yes, Nick Clegg has been advised not to Cycle to Downing Street in case a baying mob of students rip him apart and display his entrails in the Student Bar. Apparently, they are cross that he promised...
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anotheoldgit In view of their past record were the police right to allow these thugs to march? Take a look at the second picture, do we want such scenes on our streets, and are their...
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did a meteor the size of a football pitch hit the earth in the last few years p.s nothing to do with the above but is it really true - that you can fit the population of the world - 10 times over - in...
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April 29th. That's gonna make Easter a long holiday. Good Friday April 22 Easter Monday April 25...
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Am I missing something here? This Country has no money,allegedly,so where is the 7 Billion Loan to Southern Ireland coming from?
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Is back! Have you missed me?
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http://www.straitstim.../STIStory_606434.html North Korea has fired live ammo at a populated island that is just south-west of Seoul; no-one killed but there are some injuries as well as damage to...
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These guys certainly think so, scroll down to "Toxic investment #3" http://www.fsponline-...omotionID=2147067298&...
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anotheoldgit Should these schools be allowed to teach the savage side of Islam? /// Panorama: British Schools, Islamic Rules, BBC One, Monday, 22...
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So says the civilian head of NATO. Doesn't he have a point? The Taliban are either skitting the Afghan/Pakistan border or else spending their time sniping at troops or laying roadside bombs away from...
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I need a little information here. 7% of UK´s exports go to Ireland.his is greater than our exports to Russia, India, China and Brazil combined, so if we assume that these amount to 6%, then the...
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http://www.dailymail....ight-just-46-000.html Half a million quid! "She accused a colleague putting his hand on her thigh, displaying a soft porn calendar in his office and calling her...
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AB Editor
In the news section we often hear opposing sides as to the purpose and usefulness of prisons. Often there are calls of "life should mean life" and "outsourcing" of prisons (and prisoners). This is the weathervane question of what the AB News team(s) think prison is for:

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