Having seen the shooting dead of a black man who ran away from an American Cop who was trying to arrest him for drink driving, (not the most heinous crime in the world), why is the first thought of an...
Although I'd agree that in principle we probably shouldn't bestow honours and monuments to people that have done horrible things, I'm wondering where does it end? Will any statues actually be left if...
Think of it this way...Jimmy Saville. Whilst he was alive, he raised about £40m for Stoke Mandeville Hospital. He was a hero. A national treasure. He earned an O.B.E. Then he was knighted. If in the...
I was watching the MSM this evening and didn't like what I saw of the anti BLMB. They seemed to be drinking alcoholic beverages from cans and being impolite to the Plods. Their language and accents...
https://uk.news.yahoo.com/black-lives-matter-protesters-must-083956063.html?guccounter=1 Will they be getting down on one knee and asking them in a nice subservient manner to go home, so as not be...
https://news.sky.com/story/black-couple-stopped-by-police-while-driving-made-to-feel-like-criminals-12005291 The police can stop anyone driving a car and ask for their documents and proof of who they...
you know when someone kind of raises their fists and jolts/juts their head at a person - sort of like a threat, like saying watch it, or i'll hit you. its kind of to make the other person flinch. is...
BLN demanding offensive ( to them) all that depicts the past ? Like Nazi Germany’s Hitler ( Fawlty Towers ) And Churchill ..... Surely if it hadn’t been for Churchill ,things would have been...
Why does the truth hurt and labelled racism ? I am no expert on Religious Doctrine but I thought that Allah instructed his followers to procreate and produce as many offspring to rule the earth. The...
Here's one for the TV techies. We have a Sony Bravia TV (admittedly quite old, but working OK), that we can't use the remote control for. Up to yesterday, this TV was connected, and linked to a sky...
and not before time either...