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across 5 8 letters took a tedious journey on foot trudged wearily
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There was a advert some years ago with a jingle that went like this:- "they're tasty tasty, very very tasty, they're very tasty" What on earth was it advertising, it's driving us mad!!!! Someone...
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Can anyone help with these please? Most unusual storing data which needs saving (4,6) r- i - p - r- - - The life I created,formed with implantation of egg (8,7) d - - - t -t - - - t - - - e
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Does anybody know what this riddle is referring to: Edward IV = 4, Edward III - 10; George VI = 2; Edward I = 10 (probably); Edward 'the Exile' = 1; Henry III = 2; Henry VII = 2. What one word answer...
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Hi my partner went to a scrapyard yesterday and came back with black oil all over his shoes which is now all over my carpet.Any ideas how to get it out? I heard wd40 would do it is that right? Thanks
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Flavouring essence made from Almonds
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Young salmon after its first return from the sea
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Flavouring essence made from Almonds
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Turn soundly, which makes central heating right (4) _ H _ R Thanks
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stolen vehicle sold as though legitimate ?W?E?L?R
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How much did it sell for recently? It depicts a merman, mermaid & child riding a sea monster
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Hi, what's the best way to get this channel without paying a fortune for it? thanks
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how many ml in a litre?
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Always seep out under some cutlery(3,5) ??r - ?e???
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I had my last ciggy at 10.30 last night, and ive just had 1/4 of one now, and it was not nice! why did i do that?? Come on, i need some encouragement here PLEASE!!!!!!!!
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Hairy model enthralling the Spanish (6) - I - O - E Also in the same paper's 'quick' one. 5a African country (5) S - I - A
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What is the exact reason for trains blasting their horns when they pass through a station? Who are they alerting? hopefully, given the frequency they are not alerting other trains!?
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I was a bit confused by the Sawyer thing last night. I know his name is not Sawyer and he was the boy who hid under the bed when his mum was killed. Why did he shoot that man last night? Surely the...
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What is the oldest living creature on the planet?
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Hi, I have laptop and a wireless internet conn. I want to buy a printer but have a couple of questions. Once the printer is installed/connected to my pc if I unplug the printer cable from the pc, when...

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