..Can anyone think of any other 'celebrities' who are named after bids of prey? And NO you cant have Eddie the Eagle Edwards ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peregrine_Worstho rne
Hi, Just went to Ester & Jerry Hicks seminar in Dublin on "The Art of Allowing", the teachings of Abraham. Very interesting stuff, anyone else out there a fan? Or a fan of Rhonda Byrne and THE SECRET?
With over 500,000 people losing their power supply this week how is it possible that the malfuction of one power station can cause the 2nd to shut down almost at the same time?
Phone them to cancel and they will keep you on for 3 months at ?5 a month, (also saving you the ?15 reconnection fee which would have applied if you were going to cancel it for the close season and go...
Wellll in your opinion when are you too old ? And why? Im wondering how this will relate to you and your age. If you wanna post your age with your answer it might help for comparisons.
Had great time on here tonight. Had som egood ebate and exposed a few users as nothing more than troublemakers. Good to see them in theri true light. Well im off at midnighta s i dont wanna hanga...
Apparently we are , men that is , supposed to tuck our shirt in on the left and leave it out on the bright like beckham. Its supposed to accentuate or knob. So guys now you know eh ?
Does anyone know where gordon ramsey's maire 'd jean baptiste gone. The Maitre'd is a young man who looks a bit like jean-baptiste. Where is he he is the highlight of my week!!!!!
Are we alll lost and lonely souls here? Are we antisocial and prefer to mix with faceless people online rather than interact face to face in the everyday world? Are we introverted and use the internet...
I am just about to bake some choc cookies, it says on the packet to add 25grams of butter, have no idea how to measure it, anybody help, don't have scales?
I was seriously shocked and disturbed today after reading an article in my paper about how (an abortion) is performed. I never in the past thought about it to much, (being a bloke) and thought a...
Ok, so I've just got back from having a meal with my family which happened to include one of the strangest events I think I've witnessed! We were just parking the car when two shiny black cars swung...