One to check, I'm sure it's the only possible answer but it just doesn't seem right, 45d Destroy - S?P?RE?S, I have SUPPRESS but as i said, it doesn't seem right.
2 to get, 1 to check 92d Fundamental character of a person or Community - E?I?S, 16a Difficult, Severe - H?A?Y (it's not HEAVY is it?), 48d Walk Wearily (TRAIPSES?)
Happy New Year folks :o)...
1 to get 3 to check 22a Be consistent - C??E?E, 45d Arrived ?A?E (CAME?), 53d Last part - T?I? (TAIL?), 102a Corn for grinding - ?R?ST (GRIST?)
Not doing well today, must be a new compiler, anyway 11d Grass - T???, 19a Hard steel grey stone - ?L?N?, 33d coyness - ?RO?V??, 55a Offensive - ??I?Y, 37d Appetising savoury food such as pickle -...
3 to get 1 to check. 57A Bland Expressions - E?P?E??S?S, 40d Ravine - G?L?? (GULLY?), Steep, rugged rock - C?A?G (can't be CRAG, it has only 1 G), Injustice - (is it (INIQUITY?).