how can i train my six month old german shepherd who is very disobedient she ignores everything we say i.e will only sit and shake paw when a treat is on offer , does not come when called to. she is...
A thirty year old new mother I have just given birth by caesarian to a beautiful daughter.Through breastfeeding for only three days my nipples are most uncomfortable through a most agressive baby...
Any idea where I can get one processed now, as they appear to be defunct? My mother died recently, leaving a half-finished film in her camera and I'd love to see the pics.
I am seriously considering adopting a two-year old greyhound who has retired early from racing due to injury. I have had dogs before which I have never had any trouble training. Am I likely to be...
We recently lost our old cat and replaced with 4 from a rescue centre, but at least 1 continues to foul the house - we have a cat flap which they all use, but how can we stop them using the house as a...