Could anyone give me clues for
8 Bill can dock here.
16 Could be a London concert venue
Answers will be English castles .No number of letters. Thanks for any help....
Can anyone help with ? 12a Odd characters on the fairway weary of rough (8) T?A?A?A? 13a Crazy guys spending millions in port (4) ?D?N I am thinking Aden but can't make it out from the clue. 25a Group...
Q11 A???? A?????? Answer will include somewhere a boys name alphabetically between Antony and Barry
Also does anyone doing this one think Q88 answer is not in alphabetical order?
Thanks for any help...
I've only just received this, not looking for an answer. Anybody doing this quiz, I have an answer for Q80 but it only has 10 letters. Has the setter made a mistake, or have I? Thanks
My friend has set a quiz to raise funds for Marie Curie and if you wish to receive a copy please email [email protected]. Quiz costs £1 and the clues are all related to cats, the closing...
Can anyone help with this? The answer will be winter or winter sport connected.
31 Here the skier can't make his mind up about which way to turn (6)
Thanks for any help....
Stuck on one question. Time is involved in the question or answer, 59 Conflict timed at 2.5 mins to 0.00h (5,3,5) I did think of the doomsday clock but that the answer to another question. Thanks for...
Still struggling with question 64 in this one. Answer will be two words both starting with the same letter. In the 1911 census name the man living at 1 Perry Gardens Terrace, Poole, Dorset with his...
Can anyone help with clues as to how to find these two answers. Both answers will be two words starting with the same letter. 12 The Russians named this body of water in the antarctic region but the...
Can anyone help with these last two? Answers are drinks related in some way. Might be a phrase or song 19 Mine's a single gin (1,6,3,2) 40 The last drink before you leave (1,3,5,2,5) Thanks for any...
Could anyone help with these three TV series?
18 Is this a tiny brownie (7)
44 They were invaluable in wartime (4,5)
54 Is this a battle between the food wraps (6,3)
Thanks for any help....
Stuck on four of these and time is running out. Jobs and professions. 1 He may move slowly, heavily after a quiet start (7) 19 As an American, I am in a romantic entanglement-in Four Weddings and a...
Maybe this is one of the reasons why we are struggling so badly in this pandemic crisis? What is it going to take for the government to get properly on top...