Do you believe man landed on the moon .Just yes or no .Unless you have proof either way .It been debated often Im sure .No conspiracy theory simply do you as an indivual believe man landed on the moon...
The question is ... who is having the most fun - or perhaps better to say "getting the most out of CB". ... is it me and the other 'real people' who are, by and large, playing it straight -... Why did we hear very little about India's long range nuclear missile test, yet when North Korea recently tested such a weapon there was huge indignation...
I think it's got to be "I love x more than life itself". I always cringe when I hear this, who actually loves life itself? What a load of old tripe.
What gets your vote?...
http://www.dailymail....gedy-anniversary.html /// Producers avoided showing pictures of abusive fans. Instead ITV filled half the screen with sombre images from Anfield stadium, /// I wonder if these...
other ABers live.? It would be lovely to think there was one not too far away from us. Prehaps we have even seen each other but didnt know it. Well I will start it off.......South west uk......near...
Last year my insurance was £249, I have made no claims etc, my renewal came through today and if I stay with the AA it is going up to £470 or I can switch to an alternative insurer, which...