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6d Broadcast formerly showing prince laid in grave (6) SP?A?E 8d Smart suit in special thread top to bottom (5) ET?N?...
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Maybe too much wine last night, but could someone please explain the 'next' letimotif?
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Not too bad for a "Paul McKenna" but I can't parse my last answer: 21a Mining licence is admitted on most open country - it gets permit ?EG?LISE must be LEGALISE? but how does the wordplay work...
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4d world famous celebrity ?e?a?t?r
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Morning all. Stuck on one....may have gone wrong. 6a Of or relating to a judicial or legislative chamber. I have C--e--l Any help appreciated. Thanks...
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14d) Poor Louis admits one odd thing - liking suits (9) L???G???? 16a) Play with words a mild way? on the contrary (9) P?N?E???Y 23a) Weary sigh by 8 (Myself) Endlessly stuck in hothouse (5-2) H?I??...
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can anyone help with 11a electoral system providing veto by implication. 11 4 1a follow behind stage a pet 6 thank you...
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22a. In or out: *n/*t***e; 24a. Britpop band's always on DVD: *l*/r**; 4d. Expansionism isn't defeatism - Happy New Year: m*n*f*s*/d*s****. Finding this hard going today....
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24a A first class blue (6) A?E?SE
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26a e?g?n?c fellow almost in charge of selective breeding...
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10a Diktat's already partially backed residual fuel (7) A?T??? 3d Cattle food area topped by bread fruit (8) P???H??A Thanks for any help...
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16a "Socrates... hath - as I may so say, Philosophy" (Plutarch's Moralia, trs Holland) (9) H?M?N?S?D humnaised??...
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10a Hero of Troy, deceptively presented to us (4) ?T?S otus?? 24a Writer as aircraftsman (4) S?A? shaw?...
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"Got switched" --I---- "One very fierce soldier held up in lock" ----E-- "In short, the solution is to turn champion into one that gets beaten" --A--/---- Thanks!...
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21a "One represenred one's offspring" (6) ?N?R?W...
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14a Pilot opposed to dimunition of navy (4) ?ORN
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2d Clerical collar to choke dignitary?(6) ?AM?O? 18a Words of old song hold up e.g Guebre (8) DI???IC? 26a Top points? In wrestling tots this perhaps (5)????n Thanks for any help...
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Down to the last two, help needed! 8a Screwed Monica's head off - Republican grandee starts to break it up, which is natural: ?r???i? 3d State "Not elected":d???a Some of the answers are incompletely...
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23d Strict on commercial cooking fuel (6) ?TE?N? 34a College no good (4) ?T?N possibly eton?...
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8d Read would ride that of glory (5) S?N?E

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