Does anyone know what the piece of music is from the hyundai advert when they tell you about the five year warranty. It's a piece of classical piano music
There was an advert I saw a while back in the mid 90's. It featured a cartoon sea captain with the music in the background being: 'This is the captain of your ship calling, it's time to have a snack...
Should an intoxicated patient be given priority in treatment in an A&E dept in hospital ? After having spent an exhausting four and a half hours in the A&E dept yesterday with my eight year...
Can anyone tell me what the classical piece of music is that was featured on 'Titty Bang Bang' during the scene when they're in the museum and they start throwing fruit at each other? It was repeated...
whos the guy in the renault advert with the french woman who is saying stuff about things in France.. and then he is competing with the British equivalent?