Hopefully last ones I need help on. 3d Steed made to enter a city. 11 letters d?o???h???b 5d Faultless promise to improve. (hyphenated) 11 letters ??r??e????? 17a 13 letters ??????????l?r 4a A town... ...
All answers contain words related to a dance or dancing. Ends 05/01/2025 Last ones that have me foxed. 1. Fruitlessly taken from pillar to post (3,1,5,5) 2. Song about Xanthine swimwear. (6,5,3,6) 3.... ...
Connecting words before and after Please can you help with the following? 19. Hot Tomato Brown (5) 28. High Low Moderate (11) 30. Box Cricket Tennis (5) 44. Star Jelly Pie (4) 48. Writer Busters Story... ...
All answers relating to a dance or dancing. Closing date 05/01/2025. 1. Pass the European dog and stamp your feet. (3,2,8,5) 2. French Palace with an icy movement for an old timer. (6,5) 3. Musical... ...
Gavin and Stacey. Bryn says he'll be "rattling around like a bat in a boat". Common expressions are often slightly altered in the sitcom. Pam wants to know "the reason while" instead of the reason... ...
Hi, have completed the crossword and the shaded letters give a title of a novel but I can't work it out. I have ANTOIEOHTNOMELULTTGIH. Can anyone help with that. Thanks
20a the heart of any problem is the bottom line(4)?r?? 29a.. with a clang and a smash goes the honky(4)t?e? 19d gone to ground for the hunted as ever. As all cute soldiers dig for... ...
10a. A farmer spreads four 375kg bags of 46% urea on a 50ac farm at the same rate. How many kgN/have they applied? 21a. When Minister Mc Conologue decided against the Straw Incorporation Measure he... ...
Good morning everyone - well, the sun is shining, the breeze is cool and there's no heatwaves on the way just yet, so it all looks good for the start of the New Year !! The links today... ...
Sorry folks, there's a delay with the clues this morning - the Telegraph is still showing yesterday's puzzles and I have to go out now. Maybe if twix sees this, he may post them, or when I get back... ...
Things you associate with the festive season of Christmas - Cryptic 1) Literally around at Christmas (6 letters) 2) Birthday, Political for instance (7 letters) 3) Easy to break free from (5,6... ...
26d. Could nomad be disturbed while contemplating his navel on it? A?L???? 37d. Cuts neck if raving mad. Or breast. Or leg (7,5) ?A?V?N? ????E 62d. There's room for those who live the high-life... ...
Good evening all! Somewhat later than I usual, I think, Aunty Beeb has finally got around to giving us the first two bits of her big annual news quiz. This link covers the events of January to... ...
42a Allowance is regular and fixed, but that doesn't mean you can spend it recklessly. S???E?? 5d ST90oR?That's a killer, like DeSalvo in Massachusetts capital ?T?A?g??? 10d Darwin was transported... ...
A few more songs for you to puzzle over. Just a bit of fun for everyone on Chrismas Eve. Hope everyone has a lovely day tomorrow. 1. WACIB 2. BC 3. SB 4. RATCT 5. ITMWTOTY 6. LC 7. AIWFCIY 8. ... ...
Help please on 1a Small fish in Cyprus ragged. 7 letters ???u??? 5a Reading penetrating passage gets a reaction 7 letters ?l????? 7d Suspect rendering is an old custom 11 letters ??????I???? 11a... ...