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still stuck 4d:old measurement of wheat (6) ?U?H?L if 25a: is withers (for shrivels ups) then 14d:accusative must be wrong 14d:suggestive of anothers guilt(10) A?C?S?T?R? 17d:too rigorously formal(8)...
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still stuck 8a: prevailing(7) ?I??R?N? 10a:soiled by handling(7) ?L?M?E? 2d:commonplace phrase:(6) ?L?C?? 12a: affray(4-3-) ?R???O?A?T 14d:suggestive of anothers guilt(10) A?C?S????? 23a:exhume(7)...
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can anyone help pls: 8a:prevailing(7) ???R?N? 10a:soiled by handling(7) ???M?E? 12a:affray(4-3-3) ?R?????A?? 19a: of an internationally high standard(5-5) ??R?????S? 23a: exhume(7) ??????? 24a: heavy...
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if 14d election time(7,3) is Polling day then 25a:as an alternative(7) cant be (another) as the "e"does not fit?? any suggestions??...
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8a: general physical examination(7) ???C??? 10a:supposed(7) ???U??? 11d: uncicily(7) ?L?N?L? 14d: election time(7,3) P?L?I????? 4d: drink that washes down another(6) ?????R 6d: untainted(4) ???? 20d:...
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can anyone help please: 7a:fertile grassy plain(7) ???I??? 10a:supposed(7)??????? 12a:shirt style(4,6) ???G?????? 13a:surpases(4) ???? 19a:bread containing several cereals(10) M?????????...
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can anyone help pls: 2d: market-research discussion (5,5) ?O?U?G?O?P many thanks...
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25a:expend (3,2) u?e?? 27a: mock,lampoon (8) ?I?I?I?? many thanks...
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still stuck on: 12a: pastoral poem (5) I?Y?? 15a:pitch (4) T?S? 3d:equipment for testing sound(7) S?M???R 21d: lessen (stocks or supplies)(7) D?P?G?E 22d:undercover agents(6) ?P?O?S many thanks...
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Can anyone help pls: 1a:open top car(8) ??????E? 23a:force(5,4) ??E?S?A?G 25a:expend (3,2) U???? 26a:difficult to see through (6) ??A?U? 28a:blade covering (6) ??E?T? 1d:falsifying (election results)...
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8a: neck vein (7) ?U?U?N? 13a:spy(5)???O? 24a: geometrical shape (4) ??A? 14d: female opera star (5,5) ??I?A???N?...
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still stuck on: 8a:neck vein(7) ?U?U??? 13a:spy(5) ????? 24a:geometrical shape(4) A??? 6d:disconcert (5,3,7) ???C???F?A???C? 14d: female opera star (5,5) ??I?A?A?N? many thanks...
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can anyone help pls stuck on: 5d:cogitate(4)?U?E 6d:disconcert (5,3,7) ?A?C?C?F??????? 17d:with plenty happening(8) E???T??? 18d:causing death(5) ???A? 20a:cinematographer(9) ????????? 24a:...
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stillstuck ona few pls anyone 15a: animal harness(4)Y??? 19a:distasteful quality (9) T?C?I???S 25a: further, additional (5) O???R 29a:fresh plant growth (8) ?R?E???Y 16d:domestic chores(4,5) ??????U??...
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pick me up issue 8 puzzle 5 1d:projection of rocks(7) O?T??P 4d:large sum of money (5,7) S?A?L?O???N? 6d:determined(7) ????H?? 7d:inuit dwelling(5) ????I 8d: old landed classes(6) ????E? 16d: domestic...
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can anyone help pls 1a:hopeful disposition(8) ???????? 5a: decorative border (6) ?????? 9a:object thought to have magic powers(8) ???????? 10a:soft cotton fabric(6)?????? 19a:distasteful quality(9)...
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Can anyone help pls: 7a: Having bands of colour(7)?????E? 8a:Follower of an austere faith (7) ?U?I??? 12a: relaxed in attitude (4-5) ????-?O?N? 13a: brownish-yellow orang(5) ????? 19a:very large...
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stuck on 2 if you can help pls: 1a:principled rejection of war and violence(8) P?C???S? 3d:washed-up goods lost by shipwreck(7) ??O?S?M many thanks...
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still stuck on: 8a:escapee(7) ?U?A?A? 20a:copycat(9)?O???T?V? 26a:_effect,ensuing result(5-2) ???C?O? 3d:villainous main character(8) ?N?S?E?O 17d: remote(8) O???Y??? many thanks...
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Can anyone help pls: 8a:escapee(7) ?U???A? 10a:highest point of achievement(4) ?C?E 11a:arranged in a line, one behind another(6,4) ??D?A???L? 12a:alsely devised(charge)(7,2) ?R?M???U? 13a:savage...

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