2d. All but one in football team fït and sound?(7) T?N?G?E. 6a when to return iron box holding valuables(4)S?F? Safe? 23a Hardcore band, unconvincing here, finally shows bite(4)?D?E
Here's one I like. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid024odRAQrb9DdcCYM9tXU7fmd41NYVjZuswbHAHfwD4PTrokfnZ5KXmj3GzgPDQHhDl&id=100040296172328 ...
... collective punishment on the many innocents in Gaza, ever turn to the attack on the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto? A small, lightly armed, force of Jews stood up to the might of the German army... ...
1a Forward striking idiot after invasion of supporters(4,2,5) 7d Club, for example, broadcasting message(7,4) 11d Evil chapter in military manoeuvres(11)
I got a message from Https://royal mail.oti.buzz/fjqzZ saying they couldn't deliver a parcel as address details were incorrect. I should click on the link. I should Koko. But it catch some people... ...
I bought a loaf and 6 eggs this morning from the local corner shop. The cost was £4.09. I know supermarkets have economies of scale and can sell goods cheaper but that did seem a lot for the stuff... ...
On Friday morning I went online to report a lost debit card. I'm sure it's in the house somewhere but searching for it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. The site said it could be 5... ...