The NYT is said to have paid a six figure sum for this game. Were they sold a pig in a poke?
There are a number of similar games available with no apparent connection to the newspaper....
It's said that Hitler meddling with the decisions of his senior officers hindered the Nazi war effort. There was a report on the wireless this morning that Putin is going to take a closer role in the...
In an article in today's Telegraph Jeremy Clarkson claims that he can't get planning permission for work on his farm and that local planners are influenced by people in the village who wear red...
16a Furnace or mill Ken and I rebuild (8) ?I???I?n
25a To step back in part of Oxford?(6) T?e?a?
2d I felt unwell almost at first in entertainments after dark(9) ?I?h?l???...
...try and find economies in the civil service. It seems this government is making plans for massive cuts. Reports say more than 91,000 may go. Why is the civil service always the whipping boy? An...
It seems a rare thing for the procedures of a court to provide such light-hearted entertainment for the general public.
I can't think of another one. Can you?...
With his thick black beard and unsympathetic views on drug addicts, gays, and sex workers, he could easily have slotted into a police role with a Taliban type regime. He was also a fan of corporal...
I was in a shop this morning buying a few groceries. I used my debit card and after packing the shopping walked away without the card. I phoned them and they say someone handed it in which is a...
A private connection to can't be established because your computer's date and time(Tuesday 3rd May 2022 at 15:28:57) are incorrect. As far as I can see they're not wrong. What to...