What other country in the world would believe all this h0rshite? Why do we care what happens to the lowlives once we've got sh0t anyway? Come on knit me some...
25 across Part seen to fret about money- they reduce loans (10)
10 down Result of hitting wrong key? Poor Mr Rose agrees (5,7)
22 down Conflagration's sadly brief, taking place inside (7)...
1a element in the plot of a film, book etc that drives the plot but is largely ignored by the audience or reader popularised by alfred hitchcock (9)
thanks in advance...
It's Tuesday and it's going to be sunny! Not a cloud in the sky, not a breath of wind and foxy is sitting out on the grass enjoying the dawn. He's said 'Hello' to me and he's quite happy. Have a happy...
hi guys im back looking for more answers. today i got my car back at a price as we went to police station to produce documents. will my bf get summons through door or should he have been charged at...
Thanks for what I got but I have 3 more! The Spanish education graduategets a German flower E??E an element of 29 and 30 in a farthing perhaps? ?R?S? Dandy old airline goes universal B?A? Thanks again...
7 d ask month off to see one of hollywood's star men 3,5 T?? ????? 9a a brief memo I didn't recall, in a manner of speaking 5 i?a?? 11a the insane iceman is in the movie theatre 6 ?INE?? 16a mr jacobi...
A couple of years ago freak weather conditions brought clouds of red dust over parts of the UK from the Sahara. Why didn't it clog jet engines in the same way that the Icelandic dust does?
52 ac State facts about defeat after last point in tennis.(5,6) s?u?h ?a?o?a Answer seems to be south dakota but I can't see reason 9 dn Hide from blow on back of leg.(3-4) b?x ?a?f 10 dn It's tedious...
Stuck on 2 - 5d "Payment tomorrow, perhaps, raised around noon" (6) - I have ??n??? (Is it Monday or Sunday? But if so why?) 6d "Who, say? The Church, say" (9) I have ??o???n?e And...