Multiple choice this time... Which Scientist wrote the 1958 book "Elementary Seismology"? A: Hans Geiger B: Friedrich Mohs C: Charles F. Richter Answer.....A! 🤣
Good Morning! Wordle 1,209 4/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟨🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 BA awarded to newmodarmy in sympathy for losing his streak on a terrible word. The best for all of us was 4, of which there were a lot, so no BA... ...
Isn't it odd how the Abers who used to pillory Hymie and Gulliver for their persistent attacks on the Government now flock here daily in their droves to attack the Government. Hypocrites all.
Hitler had the British forces trapped and surrounded at Dunkirk . Yet he didn't, (to the fury of his generals )give the order to ' take them out ' ( thank god ) This decision has baffled historians... ...
I know you lot can take my mind off this pain with your stories but I'll do mine first. I bought a birthday card for my sister, along with several others. Posted it later that day. On my sisters... ...
'Jurgen Klopp has taken a new role as head of global soccer at Red Bull. Energy drink brand Red Bull owns RB Leipzig in Germany's Bundesliga, Austrian side Red Bull Salzburg and Major League Soccer... ...
Poem of the week: from The War Prayer by Mark Twain ...
Is this bloke Jeremy Vine off his trolly. Just switched on tv to see the news and it happened to be tuned into his crap. The debate is going to be about ( should fish and chip shops be forced to... ...