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I'll be charged for early delivery 4,5 ??l? ??o? t
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To finishe a quiz I need to find a carton character 5,4, bith words start with B. I can get Barney Bear but thats 6 letters....
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17d Pre Martial Ritual (Two words 3/5 letters) ?E? R??G?T Also 22d Ancient stringed instruments for dishonest types we hear (5 letters) O?R?S Thanks
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can anyone help me please, do you know the answers to the following - 2d infringe (10) -o-t------ 22a - old artillery missile (10) ---n---a-- 14d emotional upsets (10) ----t-d--- help please...
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7d) One scarab coming out for the opera (5,10) ??m?n/?o?c?n?g?a I'm not an opera fan, pretty sure it's going to be an anagram of "one scarab coming"....
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11ac. "Posh kid has to tolerate travel by train, all may conclude (8)." The answer appears to be BROOKLYN (Brook = tolerate, plus traveL bY traiN, concluding letters). So I can parse it. But how on...
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Of a sleeve, very wide, with a tight cuff. _a_w_n_ Not publicly stated. u_ava_e_...
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Really struggling today.(hangover) 17 across,Close together. (5)?E???. 22 across, shrub bearing showy drooping flowers.(7)?u?????. 29 across, Firmly mark. (4) ?e??? 36 across,temporary setback. (6)...
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2d. Learn here to assist a really gutted group of swimmers. I think the answer is secondary school but cannot see why. S?C?N?A?Y. ?C?O?L Can anyone parse it for me please. Thank you....
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Last one. 16d Bursting forth (8) N?U?T?O?
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Help please. 9a Invigorating (10) R???E???N?. 4d Superior, excellent (2,3,5,5) ?????F???????E? Thanks...
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just looking at answers on my profile when avatar inactive came up so iv'e lost my little elephant if i press activate will it come back?...
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18d: feels pain or loss (7) ??f?e??
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.....well who'd have thought it. It's just not an association I could have concocted. They might as well park a kebab van outside the cathedral, it's all ruined for me from now on.
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Stage- hand produces first little play(7,6)?u???i?/R???e? Stock tune(6)???a?n Flexible part of gun-carriage(6)?????? This will restrain a fictional character(4)??n?
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A black Chinese tea (5) B-H-A ta in advance
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21a is it weirdly posh to eat mutton as dessert to?a???u. 27a in Rome sadly theatres rejected Beethoven e?p?r?r...
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18 across Moisture is missing from dried fruit (4) ??I? Also 16 down The female lead in Antony & Cleopatra is such a diva (2 words of 5 & 5 letters second word is Queen) ???M? Queen Thanks...
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(5,3,4) ?I?R? THE ?I?Let Thank you...
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Last one---Attacked to hand over the money when one hasn't got any. 8,3,4 S?O?I?E? F?R. ?A?H. Thanks in advance...

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