40d. Less-commonly used name for the capital of Mongolia. (4,5) I have U?A? B?T?R which would seem to indicate Ulan Bator: but that IS the capital. I can't find any alternate spelling nor anything...
5d.the symbolic ring in wagner arrangement is of Viking origin.....(9)?o??????? 11a."snakes" Germans annunciate.But they'll clean your screen (6)????r? 17/22a mean vandal it is after disturbing this...
Please help with 22 down.Clue is:City group ousting Conservative.I have
B?T? Is it BATH?If so, how does it fit with group ousting Conservative?
Many thanks....
It is seriously foul here, rain teeming down, the wind getting up and the light feeling like it's 4.30 already (it's 3pm). A horrendous evening in prospect. I was going to go out to complete some...
(1) Does he reduce the prices? (8) ???????? (12) Deduct or amend medically (6) ?????? (14) Get bigger knighted man! (6) ?????? (19) Fish- come in ! (9) ????????? (21) Road leads to a lock of hair! (8)...
Pick me up Magazine, Issue 46, puzzle 9, the big crossword. Can you help me please 1 across - To a certain extent, 5,1,7 - ?b??? a ?a???o? 7 down - lacking in stimulation, 13 - ?n???l?e???n? I would...
88a.US term for an electric torch(10)-----l-g-- 73a.clears( a drain)(8)-n-l---- 79a.escorted(7)-s----- 95a. was unfaithful or disloyal to(8)-e-----d 113a.faithfulness(7)-o-a-t- 60a. market...