6d – Finishes – a sentence (4,1,4,2) ?UT - ?- a??? - ?? 23a – Women tend to alter a permanent income (9) e???????? 16d – Noted and objected (6) ?????? 19d - Is put up with new strength (5)...
Is there anything that you don't know about? I am absolutely amazed at the extent of your knowledge. There are not many question that you do not answer and you are so quick at solving crossword clues....
I was watching Countryfiles some weeks ago. They were on a canal in the north east somewhere. There was this amazing lock which swung right round. Please would someone be able to tell me where is it....
9a) Important directors get an instrument (8) ?????a?? 2d) Arterial problem brings same ruin, unfortunately (8) ?n?u?i?m 5d) Sketch of school equipment (4) ???t 6d) Bad winter construction is a...
1d Provide swimmer with vase inside (7) F?????? 9 Hydrophobic crab i removed (5) 13 I name the desolate place no longer having publicity ( 2,3, 10) no letters 19 sentence arbiterintended say (8)...
1. Presumably the pilot would rather have cream without it (3) --- 2. The third month's show of disgruntlement perhaps (7,5) ------t,march 3. No place for a private secretary! (6,6) -----,office 4....