Last one to complete - any help appreciated - 16d stout biennial plant with prickly leaves and prickly conical heads of yellow or purple flowers T - A -- L
1dn In hoodoo, a bag containing a magical charm; also a Cuban sauce based on the juice of sour oranges, garlic and olive oil (4) ?O?O 43ac Small cutting taken from a plant for grafting, a galley proof...
11 across 'avoiding contact with a cordial' I think its something a_ _ _ ial can anyone help? I need to make the post office before 12.30pm today! Many thanks...
11A (10) unaffiliated to any party A - - - - - - -E -. 9D (12) doubting the truth of. - - - B - V - E - I N G 13D(10) of your own volition O - D - O - A - L -. thank you plan for retired staff(7,6)p-n-i-n/-c-e-- (is it pension something) 18d.insects with wings(5)-l--- CRYPTIC= 9a.relatives backing mum to be US model(5,3)u-c-e/--- (is it uncle something)...
22A Administrative region of canada as destinct from a territory (8) ??o?i?c? 22d Richard .......... commedian in SupermanIII 15a Collection of short stories by Isaac Asimof (1,5) ? R???T. Thanks for...