Which is the only county that does not have a senior football team in the All Ireland championship? What county in Ireland has the highest level of forest cover? A herd of cattle, a --------- of...
what occupation do the following people share? Richard Hartnett, Michael Lynch, Ann Harkin, Thomas Jordan A herd of cattle and a ---- of priests. Fill the blank In what year was theFarmer's Journal...
At this late hour I've been handed The Phoenix crossword competition and it looks double dutch to my tired brain. Are all the clues cryptic or do I need a brain transplant? Many thanks in...
11a. pertaining to islam [10] m - h - m - e - c -. 6d. son of zeus and alcmene a hero of extraordinary strength ,a constellation near Lyra [6] - e - - - l - s
9d plighting like the poet John Montague on the Leaving Cert course[7,3,3] - i - l - n - . t - e. - i -. 36a. a chemical hike for this coach[7,6] - i - - - e -.- - e - k -. A million thanks to all...