Stuck on a couple, help please 10a liquid food is to such an extent winning by a margin (4) I have ??u? 19d m9 northward, start of some mistakes leading to confusion (3-3) mix?o? maybe Thanks...
Stuck on these 2 7 down Old timers' ways of telling when eggs are cooked (11) I have s?n?g?a?s?? and 22 across Detailed examinations of stallion that is special. Help please!
11a mediate to lay to rest affection(9) I have i?t?r?o?e Looks like it should be interlove but that comes up as a hotel chain!! help please. Also in DT 29,652 4d get rid of ultimately vile joke for...
Help please with the last 2 19d Decadent English and French festival (6) E?F?E? but have I got 24a right?! Harsh decree pronounced, or the person announcing it (8) I've got director
Can you help with my last 2 please? For 20a Bath water in which Virginia rotated leg. Is it avon? don't understand the leg bit! 4d Alpha male in scrap. Is it Amok but why? Thanks in advance
Help please on my last clues 9a disorganised start to school fair around noon (8) 5d something added is a letter dictated (6) 23a vehicle going back into the ancient land (6) and 21 d china with crack...
Struggling to finish this week! help please 9a Trump has vehicle in Indiana abandoned(5) 7d no more suckers?That's intolerable! (4 5) 15 aOne obsessed in new way renouncing whiskey(4)
Trying to finish Saturday's puzzle! 5?d Experience important as team shows (5) 5a An outside line to ring? and is 20d Eritrea?. A royal flag from the South African nation (7) thanks in advance
Not sure about the last few - help please! 5a Attacks of fear when ice pinnacles tip over (6) I have s?a?e? 21d Typical old north european endlessly online (6) is it normal? tia
I need help for the last 2 please. 2d Good for ships when arctic waters are but not,perhaps,gin and tonics (3-4) Ice something I think. 20a force manure round spuds essentially (6)I have ?u?e?s Is it...