42a particle having the opposite magnetic moment of an atomic nucleus component 11 letters a_t__ _ _u_r_ _ 9d administrations of holy communion to one in danger of death 7 letters thankyou
8 down, relating to the hip bones uppermost section. 5 letters I?I?C. 3 down collection of pus in the chest ?M?Y???. 6 down protein reacting with an antigen that is part of the organism in which it is...
29a hill of volcanic origin in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh ???h?r? s?a? 33a Industrial city on north-west france ???n Lyon?4 26d cup-shaped structure on some plant stems o????
Sentence in an interrogative form(8) ?U?S?E?N. and am I being thick or what, Place to which people go for relaxation or pleasure(6) E?O?T. thanx in anticipation
Expert in discovering and eliminating the cause of problems. 8 down 14 letters T?O?????H?O?E?. 16 across estrange ??I?N?T? 15 across west African country ?E????? 12 across animal you might expect to...
stuck on last 2 22 across - german baritone famlous for singing schubert 7.7. f.s.h.nr .i.s.a. 20 down afrchaic or poetic word for coast, sore, ban k 6 letters r.v.g.
Anyone help with the following: ACROSS 9- 17th Century Danish Organist and Composer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ ? 16- English Mathematician and pioneer of symbolic logic _ _ _ L _ ? 32- Last King of Troy,...
16D performer of a monologue over a prerecorded track r?p?e?, 18D shares allocated in a bbonus issue s?r?p,40D Dutch astronomer who helped to understand the milky way galaxy O?R?
30A - english name of a city in northern belgium formerly famous for lace-making (7) -e-h-i- 13A - in linnaaean classification orders of plants with two styles or a deeply cleft style (7) d-g-n-a
Struggling today Help please thanks in advance Gmac Instructions, regulations - u - e - Brooch - makes a brief appearance in a film ? c- - - o A person who is ineffectual 4. 4 L - - - /d - c -