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13a) Drink to chap(finally just French water)embodying several qualities(11) 8d) Rogue cat trails drunken pal’s car(11) Can,t begin with these!...
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14d) Brief head of company on half of exercise(7) ??n?i?e 13a) Heading largely on course,knowing easy routes,is safe(6) l???e?...
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17a) Incapable of holding comment that’s not worthy of note(12) ?????a?k???e 20a) Stick to a certain sort of film(5) c???? 8d) Boxer disturbs fungus surrounding dead figure(12) ?i?d?a?????t...
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22d) Heirless Bryson eats tip of extravagant river fruit(5) B?(R?)?Y 23d)Fetch doctor(no time)for person who makes a 10(4) ???F 24a) Combine hydrogen,oxygen and vibrate-it’s not remarkable(2-3) ??-h?m...
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Sorry -13d)IS 8 letters not 6.
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1a) Brother kept hat on half of Monday(4) (m?)?(n?)? 26a) A terrible-sounding occupation(4) 13d) Gemmologist in good health between banter(6) 15d) Cowboy managed revolutionary royal(6)...
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2d) Hippo con man is troublesome for fraternity(13) ??m?a???????? 11d) Half-French knight to swallow strange cider for a great king(9) f????????...
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9a)Skill in travelling over frozen water(3,5) I?E,??A?T My instinct was Ice Skate but the last letter has to be T - From clue- ....... Castle,fortified Manor House in Shropshire (???k?s?y) which is...
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17d) Showing that one is not interested in doing something(8) ?e?u?i?g...
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15a) Mainly Scottish term meaning in turns or alternately(4,5) t?m? a?o?t Looks like ‘time about’,but I,ve never heard it. 20) Low-lying area,product of large-scale glaciation(7,6) h?n?i??,??a?l?y...
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13d) Situation:Brazilian city against broken canes(8) ???n?r?o 17a) Dry for a short time(3) s?? Think this ‘sec’,which makes 2nd letter of 13d)c-which doesn,t help!...
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5d- Relish TVisms about metalworkers(12) 8d-Act as host like a bachelor might?(2,3,7) 11a-Oddly easy Christmas with no cold causes collective frenzy(4,8)...
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9a) Boy returns to hug the second author (4) D?H? Has to be Dahl - but why? 12a) Nothing taken from boy after shilling copper(5) ?O?B? Bobby? - but why?...
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3D) Incompetent Ulysses,ultimately pretty lacking,adds energy into the mix.(7) ?s?(o?)?s? 5d) Flat river found on moon of Jupiter(6) ?t????...
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7a) Most senior officers make faces off-shift (6,2,5) 18d) Exhausted saint found outside enclosure (5) - ?p?n? = spent?...
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22d-Knotty problem of row placed on its head(4) ?n?r...
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1d Cruelly,Lucy yawns first after pastry (6) T?R??? 7d Devious snake slithers on first year (6) S?E?K? sneaky? or sneaks? 25a Ready for education after education after French peas (6) ?O????...
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5d) Princess hurried with fish losing its tail(5) r?nee Is it ranee or renee? & why?...
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12a - Disbanded soldier to restore a party(9) r?f?r???o 13a - About 101,remaining cheap always initially(5) ????a 14a - Likes gardens that have been cultivated in part of Southern Europe (5,7)...
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14a) Spoil most of another bell or ball(6) - m?r?l? 21a) In capital of Liberia and away from the coast(6) - I?l??? 19d) Saw music upside down(5) - t???n...

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