23d easy to hum a riff or tune if its such a popular one(6)c????? 3d what the heavens can be found out there(5)?t?e? 6d so, what piles up in the stock market after those who farm it to make... ...
6dsomehow , in an endless trust, this one can make a claim(8)?n?u?a?t 27a in the name of god, was this the pick st patrick left us with the old sod (8)s?a?r?i?
19d an upper cut for the farmer, who must cut his crops to prosper(8)????a?o? 17d arnie orsly , for such a ladies dish,or even popeye after he finishes his spinach(9)?????e?i? 12a ... while leading... ...
3d dirty free(1,4)a,??u? 5d cant see the wood from the trees that lie like thisin Amazonian forests(9)?????e?e? 23d six pack carrier(6)p????? 28a given the mood , its the essence..(10)?m????????
27a as in any drama youd see how one does it for folly or fun(4-4)pla?-a??? 29a that secret society, quaintly called family,black and white it aint(4)k??? 16d cat not on the mat,yo, a strange... ...
27d the arts apply differently to what actors must do(4,5)??a?,???t? 10a only coaches will answer for those who run with them...(8)?r?i???? 4d the persian types now for yankee... ...
14d from the lords flock, sounds like shes the lamb(5)a?n?? 6d shady lady fromjames plunketts dublin city(8)?p?u???t 15a from the top of your head, could it be a meaty pastry(4)??i? 3d a shot in the... ...
1d if on ones last legs, youd have to be like that(4,2,4,4)???d,?n,???r,??e? 8a remains to be seen, having a lot on your plate(9)???t???r? 18a sung by broods and madonna, sure, where would we be... ...
8a be in no hurry to go with tik tok ye hear(4,4,4)?a?e,?o?r,?i?e 26d really, without a learner in the middle, to count on(4)r?l? 29a limited intelligence,in any(con) text(4)i?u?
16dbest way to banish information technology from the golf course(5,2,3)d?i??, it out 1d its finished.. so died christ for this dismissive expression down to any doubting... ...
4d what tattoos get into broken skin(4)?n?s 13a unlucky number for one to come before an unbiddable age...(4)???n 14d if its up in the air, get out there(5)??h?n
21a .. as some come to shovel such rubbish(4)T?s? 28a so who might you be rash lass to render such folly(10)?m?r?d?n?e 12a a twist in the tale bu dahl for the eejits(5)?w?t? 10a double dealers, as... ...
15a next best in the short term is to be mindful of what it means(4,4)n?t?,???? 29a is maggie the subject of an irish folk song, or an alternative one(4) ??r? 17d surely this one should outrun any... ...
5d no form to fill in, having no form to begin with(9)?h?????s? 11a a virile veggie be he so brawney... strong to the finish(6)??p?e? 25a chinese soup? not now... back for it , however(6)
1d something.. that might sell so cheaply at an Omega Auction?imagine. indeed, if it ever will(2,3,1,4)?o,???,a,?o?? 29a like bookies and bankers, theyve got your number to the last pea in the... ...