9a bete noire to park her in this hilarious halloween howler so bewitching(5,5)??c??,?o??? 27a only in an amphibious motorboat, one exhales, could it take the wind out of of your... ...
6d pasta is pasta in italy and in all tongues(8)?i?????i 11a could it be more imprecise? say no more is my advise with a grave u-turn...(6)v???e? 15ashot off like a rocket, it can bomb mankind to... ...
28a " just another act of apology from Father Jack in the box"saud Ted with great regret(10)?o?t?i?i?n 1d can these bankers come to the rescue? Can if risen to become backers(10)???a???e?s 8a in... ...
10a . Coulda lady of ull repute set Trump trembling?(8)?t?u?p??9a given such a grilling upon being fried to bits..(10)d?????f???17d it cant be the same if The North freed goes... ...
20a looks like you put your foot in it thats a reversal(4-4)?l?p-??o? 25a some might put off ending to rub up the wrong way(6)???e?d 27d so this horse is always allotted top weight to carry, up the... ...
1d"So i swear' exclaimed Faust beside himself(4,2,4)???n,??,?o?? 28a where would you be going with a clinking bag to drop a deposit wherein(6,4)???t??,???e 11a mother of God didnt she habitually... ...
15a in a way that is completely harmeless(11) i?n???o?s?y 16d the part of society consisting of well-educated articulate people who discuss social, cultural and political issues( often... ...
8a repeat performance from the french? home nations and best of the rest say same(4)??t?? 2d say no if its just junk(6)???u?e 5da ring of pearl, we hear, on and off by the sound of... ...
18a assumed, as attributed..after ten grand distributed..(5,3,7)?a?e?,the,???n?e? 14d seabirds shriek its awful greet(5)??e?t 5d tactical move over manu/ england change(9)?a?c????? 12a this soul... ...
1d no judge, no jury, settle down and settle for wheres it at(3,2,5)?u?,o?,court 26d just a strong body, thats the business(4)u?r? ( not sure of letters 5d what a place for a ropey sea dog to be...
28a like the paparazzi of the past, theyd beat the tar out of one to hit the high seas(10)?i?s?g?n?o 16d " i dont like monday" went the song , why?" hang it" she initially went about it(3,7)...
1d combined again, maybe, only to be rejected(6,4) ?a?n?d,down ( not sure of letter a 23d.... like a zombie may be(6)u?e?a? 17d in the common market or not net gains are gross for this one(9)?r?f???e?...
combined again, maybe, only to be rejected(6,4)?a????,?o?n 22a awesome, as americans say, for a synonym scarely seen or heard of today?(3,2,5)???,??,?i??? 16d what a cowboy, biting the dust for the...
8a from the ashes drag it to begin and save yourself from a roasting(4,2,3,2,3,4)????,??,???,?f,???,????
5d how one takes ones leave as angry as can be..(6,3)???r??,off...
2d... where x marks the spot for a marauder in the main(6)?i???? 7d ... glorous white guard v black guard? So, is the later a blackguard?(8 or 4- 4)???? ?e?o 10a how irritating is that grating sound...