1. A ceaseless talk is able to be about language C..A... 2. Attuned in a state of readiness E..D 3. Preheat a puzzling seed that has been grown underground ..R.. P.. Thank you for your help in advance...
12a. On returning, I give the go-ahead to fish. (3) - no letters. 18a. Return instrument to neighbour. (4) - no letters. 25a. Be bashful about starting something warm and comfortabl. (4) _ _ S _. 10d....
Win without finishing. Sorry forgot these 3d Slight Colouring (5) t**** 14a Dogma (5) ****d 8a Cockerel for eating (5) 11a Edible seeds often roasted or salted (6,4) G***** nuts thanks for any help...
I have 5 clues that Im at the point of tearing my hair out over, please can you help. The answers are all items of Food or Drink and can be Anagrams, Straight forward or cryptic... 8) Time Inside 30)...
41.Blow-such contempt?(9) 44.One of the famous ones finds religion?(6) 52.All quiet?(5) 59.Fiesta fester?(6) 61.In in inn? Oui (9) Any help or hints would be very much appreciated - Thank you
1. Knot and her majesty. 2. Two thieves. 3. There is some livestock in here. 4. Do these belong to a girl? 5. Be appropriate. 6. Move to the side of the road. 7. You can lose it at the casino. Any...
Would really appreciate some assistance with the last clue....
2D) On bicycle, take care turning right (5 LETTERS) ?A?E
Please explain answer
22a. The accountant takes a trashcan to the hut (5) C---n
17d. Find what's sturdy, or stub it out (6) R-----
25a. Recalibrated (5) R---t
RTE 47.
14d. O serious...smell (5) 0-o-e
Thank you....