Another annoying week!!
Do not get this one!
22d. Dressing-gown in rear portion of closet (4). Answer Robe but cannot fathom out why.
12a. Envisage article making one fume (6). ?E?T?E...
5d was first to go after row becomes embittered. (7) r-n-l-d
Also, 9a Reply a comment makes fitting (13) would this be complementary or complimentary?
thank you for your help...
As usual managed two-thirds fine and have now ground to a halt - feel if I get help to restart might be able to finish! Can anyone help with any of :- 17 across (8,6) Graduate and vicar pay complete...
All answers are loosely related to water. These are my last three to be answered and I am really stuck please can you help. Found in securing a voyage? 6 Arguing in the boat? 6 Keeps a boat dry 5.4...
Can you help please........ Making one's mark on trade product in German capital. 8 Letters - r - - - I n g Girl included name of place with green in Scotland. 6 Letters - r - - - - Separately, just...
"Finds the ark built right with branches outside". Guess this must have "boughs" wrapped around smething, and answer probably not a palace...what a charmless puzzle this is!...
1d) Receiver's needed for dates he organised (7) 7a) Carts I'd overturned - that's radical (7) 18a) Clear off, having mislaid right racket (4) 26a) Risk capital (6,5) Apology for having no letters....
I have managed to complete crossword 179 quick clues except for one answer 10 across unusual.I thought the answer was uncommon but was then stuck for 6down which I am now certain was SMACK(savoury...