Can CC MEMBER HELP ON TODAYS QUESTION. Its a picture taken in one of the following cities, LONDON , MANCHESTER, BIRMINGHAM , SHEFFIELD OR CARDIFF. Sorry i have no idea what it is, hope someone... ...
1. jump in as its in plentiful supply? A?????? 2. Sounds like Kurt a man of few words comes from Battersea? T???E 3. The animal to lie about the fog star? A?S
Good morning everyone - our run of beautiful Autumn weather continues without any sign of rain in the foreseeable future....just a small dilemma, nothing on a major scale, but having to water is... ...
Good evening! A decent enough start for me this week, I feel, with FIVE out of seven in the main quiz: . . . followed by a 'middling' THREE out of five in... ...
Helping a friend to 'tidy up' before they go on holiday. Managed quite a few but still stuck on the following - please can you help St Mary’s Church – Famous names C/D 30 June 11. Sounds like award... ...
1. french hen has toothed closure inside (8 letters) 2. short barricade that's mad (8 letters) 3. two companies head quiet man.utd.(7 6 letters) thanks for any help