answers are characters/ authors of books, plays etc. concerning murder mysteries: 7)Open student in Western has Dock Green pc as writer (8,1,5) 34)Great Tim goes round with the French... ...
The game is simple just follow on from the previous lyrics with one one of your own. Tha last lyrics from the previous thread were: Well, we know where we're goin' But we don't know where we've been...
Any help appreciated on these 20A She'll be off her tree and all over the place in you place, all over Christmas! (5) 21A Marked? Yes, skillfully done to a T! (5) 57A What changed climatically to see... ...
3. Which one if these Chiefs of the IMF has NOT been charged with a crime a.Rodrigo Rato b.Dominique Strauss Khan c.Christine Lagarde d.Kristalina Georgieva 15. What was Ireland's GDP at the end of... ...
8d Inhabit base to the north (4) ?i?E 14a Pilgrim tucked into extremely bounteous spicy fare (6) ?H???S 15d Jack is shuffled with aces for girl (7) ????i?E 17d Reserved small room in cafe away from... ...
1d About to enter hostelry erected in Lancs town (5) ??C?? 2d Regularly ignored chap in huff, despicable fellow (7) ??i???? 7d Capital city of Asian land twinned with European port (Sweden)... ...
My son has been off work for a few weeks as 2 close friends have recently died one after the other. He's devastated and feels he can't work at the moment as one of them worked with him. His firm... ...
Could anyone help with theses two, please ? 46. The word Bundaberg , with the word So So underneath. I think the so so would be Fayre but I can't find a suitable word to explain Bundaberg other than... ...
Something to do with Christmas stuck on a few 23 Chorey in centre of square 24 in centre of square ATRIGGERI SLE IGH 48 going down in centre. may 3rd June... ...