10a) 8 letters ???R?I?? anattendant in the household of a sovereign 39a) 9 letters ?O???N?I? Plant with serrated leaves, yellow flowers and astringent root, used in medecine 12a) 5 letters ??LE?...
Whats the best burger youve ever tasted not cooked by a family member relation friend distant family member or person you used to go out with but fell out with then thougfht they were nice so bought a...
Can anyone help me with these last 3 clues please.. 24acr River shoreline's receding in part(4) 25acr Old sailor, merchant, say, shaken at meal(10) 20d Guilty party's priest,one in closed sect(7)
Please can anyone help with 12d, D??A am stuck on this one, In Spain and Portugal, title of address equivalent to Mrs or Madam, to indicate respect. Many thanks Shona-Quest
12d In Spain and Portugal, form title of address equivalent to Mrs and Madam, indicating respect, D _ _ A 38d Gadoid food fish with an elongated body. _ I _ G Thanks
Can you help me please with the following 2down -relating to a roman censor(234-149bc) (8) 27 ac -a set of eight or an eight line stanza (8) 17 d - A stable grain-chest (4-4) 2 d a warehouse or...