had a video which was a troupe of young men clad only in bathing costumes and body paint, shimmying down the corniche at Nice - in high summer I think nikita was one of the words in the song. thanks
Can someone please help me with a cryptic crossword question as i have been pondering over it for 2 days now and cannot get the last answer. The clue is - our wee queen is sixty - It makes somehow a...
whats your fav piece of classical music?? mine is without doubt Jupiter from The Planets by Gustav Holst, especially the bit used for the hymn I Vow to Thee My Country. I get goosebumps when i...
Anyone else got Sky+ ? What's happenning here? On my SKY+ Planner screen I have 17% free space and I have only 2 things recorded one takes 8% and the other takes 6% thats 14% so I should have 86% free...
I have 2 dogs (mum&son),i`ve tried every brand of dog food tinned and dry.They will not eat it and it ends up going bad and thrown away.At the moment i`m giving them corned beef,hotdogs,and...
What is the scariest horror film ever made? Im not talking about special effects here, I mean 'Hiding behind the sofa' scary. And what makes a good scary horror film in your opinion?
Hi all. I really want to treat my boyfriend for his birthday (its not till March (!) but I figured it is going to take some planning.) He really loves sharkes and thought I could get him a 'shark...
Ok, how on earth do you get rid of pigeons from the garden without chasing away the other birds? We have lots of hangers in the garden for all the wee birds (blue tits,sparrows etc) but the...
I need to know of tracks that have 'seven' in the lyrics. I already have 007 by Desmond Decker, there's also another reggae song called Lucky Seven, not sure who it's by. Also have Wear Your Love Like...