I planted a cherry and an eating apple tree in my London garden in the spring. They both seemed to thrive for a while but although I had blossom on the cherry tree, I only got 4 cherries, which all...
i have recently found 6 viagra type pill packets in my husbands pocket( taking it to dry cleaners) On seeing these I did a bit of snooping and found mobile phone bills with the same number appearing...
I got "stitched-up" by my last employer about 6 months ago. I am not prepared to go into details about what happened, suffice to say I sought legal advice and was told I was in the right. I acted on...
Anybody getting (or had) an error when using the Search in AB just now? The error is "Error 2 GetPollByCategoryUserId". I've even gone into my profile first to make that my userid is ok. Probably have...
Why did the twin towers collapse the way they did on that dreadful day? They both collapsed straight down into their own footprint rather like a controlled demolition. The "Pancake" theory doesn't...
When one New York writer claimed he could serve up the best batch, a Texas writer was quick to challenge. They could only agree to a flavorful showdown in this sleepy Trans-Pecos town and the rest was...
just to say, I was being utterly blonde the other day, of course I know who it was you've kissed. That'd be the person you knew before you became an ABer, and they also use the site, yeah? Dim as...
Having a deep husky, voice like my Bitch of a girlfriend or having a sweet,high piched girly voice like me? Just wondering because she made fun of my voice yesterday and said I sounded like the lady...
Does anyone else LOVE Dan Brown books like i do!!?? I first read The DaVinci Code (like tons of other people i know) and was absolutly hooked. Have read the 3 others he's written too, Deception Point,...