An old lady around the corner's old Border Terrier has just had to be put to sleep due to cancer and other nastiness. She's well upset. She paid over two-hundred quid for another the other day. She...
I have some hats that I want to dye black. I've worn pakols for years. Pakols, also known as Pakuls or Khapols, Kapols, Kapors, chitrali topis and Mujahideen caps, are available in black: no problem....
The council have just done a ton of work on my flat. The only bad point being my immersion heater being taken out. The 'immersion cupboard' has e're long been a hyper-effective airing cupboard/drying...
Got this 'Uwin Step Count Pedometer' today. No instructions. Erratic flashing display and no known way of setting stride etc. Has anyone a clue what to do?
Got this 'Uwin Step Count Pedometer' today, via Amazon. No instructions. Erratic flashing display and no known way of setting stride etc. Has anyone a clue what to do?
Got this 'Uwin Step Count Pedometer' today. No instructions. Erratic flashing display and no known way of setting stride etc. Has anyone a clue what to do?
I got the above digital camera sans instruction booklet from eBay. At first the flash worked fine; however, with my fiddling about re., menu/set-up, I've managed to 'turn off' the flash function. Has...
A friend of my mater's a puzzle fiend. She has, at the age of 64, managed to work out how to send an e-mail on her new-fangled mobile phone that her son bought her last Christmas... Anyhoo, when I...