1. to the French flight card (8,3) 2. London scholar has dictionary (7,7) 3. crane with tiny amount in negative (5,5) 4. beau and almost a score with breaks (5,7) 5. king wool-gatherer (5,5) 6. same...
1. old person missing a trick? (5)
2. barrow boy (5)
3. king in clutches of pain (4)
4. womble written by a monkey (9)
5. skipper with a hard substance (7,5)...
1. Stephen's opponent (7) 2. Perhaps Nelson's last word to Hardy (6) 3. Puppets with ropes, not strings (4,3,5) 4. 3d (4,1,8) 5. Musical comedy of errors (3,4,4,8) 6. Same 3 honours - posh, popular...
the answer to each clue is a word which has a link with each of the three words listed: 1. extra print scale 2. clause inquiry school 3. air fire red 4. dress grand set 5. ill notes sparingly 6....
1. Spice and a river make up most of it's name (9) 2. Most of the US president is in its capital (7) 3. Country with 3 titles (4) 4. it used to be the country between 2 rivers (4) 5. 3 equal...
1. electronic current in reverse (5) 2. tied with a small amount in between, not nitrogen (8) 3. scooter for a Welsh lass 4. a roman law and tv programme 5. confused forecaster with 2 unknowns 6. 2nd...