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Well, what a very strange weekend that turned out to be - plenty of options to match with the set of words, but with some most unusual results. On top of the heap [and it's rather a small heap] came...
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An early start for yours truly this weekend, but I'm sure you will all manage to find the site OK with some help from the ever reliable crofter Week 4 presents us with a fresh chance to make up points...
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I've got a mental blank - what is 28a The effect of a supernatural or divine agency in human affairs [7] I have t-e---g and sure it's staring me in the face, help please.
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Very interesting !!!! After Aquagility in one fell swoop took 4 points with 2 Hot Shots, all the rest scored either 1 or 2 points with matches with Olive Drab and/or Shock Wave[s] {See what happens...
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Yet another week has flown by and Saturday is here and we all know what that means !! Another cold, wet night in that wretched shrubbery and this time with some very strange aromas and a lot of...
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What name is given to the skirtings and edges of a fleece, especially that which comes from the breech area [3] I have a-b, and no ideas, so any help would be appreciated.
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Stuck on one - 15d Flowering plant of the pondweed family e-l-r--k any help much appreciated
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After all the excitement of last week, calm and peace has been restored and hopefully the typist won't make a dogs breakfast of it all Just a note before getting down to tin tacks Gravit8 -I did...
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As crofter rightly says, here we all are again and I sincerely hope that my case of severe boldness has worn off and things are back to normal - well as close to it as we're ever likely to come. I see...
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Sirens screaming, Bells clanging, church bells chime out across the nation !!!!!! I've only got to the second entry and guess WHAT wickedtongue</b. has scooped the pool with a perfect 4x4 - 4 Hot...
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And they're all under starters orders, the red light is flashing, the starters on his platform .....oh come on seekeerz, stop watching the racing and keep your mind on the task at hand. All my...
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Having studied the rule book and deferred to a higher authority, it is was great pleasure that the Organising Committee awards the crown for February to Jan1956 with three first matches plus 1 match...
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This morning's four link words brings to a close the first full month's competition inspired by Kate Mepham and very intriguing it has been. While most of the words have been relatively easy to...
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Last one - who wrote Listen in 2006, so far I have Kate V-i-c- and google's not being helpful many thanks S
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Another weekend has rolled around and soon we must attempt to match wits with Kate Mepham and predict the four Link words for the final time this month. As we have done before, one of our early...
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Last one 22d Scottish meat and onion turnover - any help much appreciated S
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Good morning all and thankyou to Aquagility for posting the results for me. I apologise for the delay in posting the results - gremlins in the works would be the best way to describe it, but will...
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It's that time of the week, again - time to try and predict Kate Mepham's Link Words for this weekends competition - time to try thinking along the same lines as Kate - so far all four link words have...
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After a minor hiccup or two we've now got ourselves back on track and Aquagility promises to put on his bi-focals before he enters the link words so as NOT to give seekeerz an awful fright and seven...
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Another week has gone by and it's time again to match wits with Kate Mepham of the Daily Telegraph. Can you predict the four Link Words successfully ?? The four words will be entered below by the...

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