Mothers and fathers, please help! Middle niece Chloe was nine last week and I forgot! I'm going to see her this week end so I have to bring her a present. But What? She is into the normal stuff,...
All our staff (with exception of Ned and I) are in a training course all day. I am really busy at the moment, so my dilema is do i use the quiet day to catch up with all the work i have, or do i use...
My parents fly out from Gatwick tomorrow, to start a new life in Bulgaria..... ooh, im going to miss them. Sob. Meeting up one last time tonight for a drink...... im sure some tears will be shed. HGas... This is me: You are Tweety.You are cute, and everyone loves you. You are a best friend thatno one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings...
It's amazing what a new pillow can do for your sleep life! I got a new one on Sunday and 2 sleeps later I feel like i'm the "king of the world". Bet your all jealous, aint you, aint you, dont deny it!...
For my date tonight I am un sure of what to wear. Should I go for a casual look or should I wear a suit? I have longish hair at the moment but am getting it cut later so it'll be same lenght as photp...
I hope you're all well! I just wanted to say that after last night's 107 post marathon, (as in, there were 107 answers to my question) I'm SOOO glad I have "gmail" that linked all my AB alerts for...
Did you know that this is pronounced Hoopa Hoops, which is Spanish for Sucky Suck? Also that Salvador Dali designed the logo? Also that the creator of Chupa Chups, who recently died, was a reformed...