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i posted a question about buying a laptop or a desk pc, which the replies were helpful, but is windows vista the devil in disguise or is it better than people think it is?
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the guitat rif to hindu times was taken from a stereophonics song, what was it called??
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Who sang the song MY BROTHER, it used to be played on radio 1 on saturday morning back in the seventies?
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I recently heard a cover of Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees, it sounded fairly recent but I can't find out who sings it...
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Try to do a never ending chain..... Give a link (as obscure or tenous as you like) to another song & artist from the last one given!...(as played on Radio 2) Here's one to start off with... 1. David...
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My 'Q' is a line from a (UB40) song. Please answer with other lines from songs. Let's see if we can make a thread that makes sense using only song lyrics!
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what section can i post a question about films/dvds?
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why do so many people pay more for something used on ebay, that they get brand new and cheaper (or only a fraction more) in the shops?
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the song so cruel, lyrics needed, please
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the album by muse, could someone give me a track list, thankyou,
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Need some songs with the name JOHN in the title or Johnny as in " Johnny be good " Thanks..........
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did anyone get arrested for the deaths of thoes poor children who died in thier sleep from fumes,
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i cant put songs on my ipod nano how do i do it?
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has chris martin walking up the street backwards? thank you.
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what are they, and why are they not affected when buying something
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What is the song being played in the Ginsters advert where theres a park ranger or something stealing things from the people in the park?
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whats your fav track, for me it has to be 'hey jude '
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is there a particular kind of candle that likes to drip, the ones i have just seem to burn down without dripping, if so where can i get some,,

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