1..How many films has Sylvester Stallone starred in ? 2..Steven Spielberg's Jaws was released in the UK in which year ? 3. Which High flying Essex location links Birthday Girl starring Nicole Kidman...
1.. hides the coats (6) cl???? 2.. Its not funny to tease someone in their affliction (6) ????ic 3 Withdrew from the club-or joined again (8) ????g??? any help please ?
1.. Hobo showed the way to be crushed underfoot (8) 2.. Russian trant exposed in just a linen shirt (6) 3... open and not led round the water (8) ?????l?d 4 Ill-fated account employed about a rich...
1..In which english city would you watch a football derby between Pirates and Robins? 2..Which famous person said: If I hadn't had them, I would have had some made ? 3..Which building stands on the...
struggling this week 9 across.. further note about housing contract delights (7) 12 across.. air pump makes a roarine sound (7) 13 across.. banker's car in fine shape (9) 1.. down block where i'm...
1 Down.. very serious fire ultimately becomes sooty dirt
(5) ?r?m?
7 across ...reportedly looks for followers of a religion
(5) ?i?h? could it be sikhs ?
any help please ?