41. voiced by Sacha,Keith and Danny (4,8,6,4)
40.1st cousin 25 times removed of Elizabeth 11 (7,2,5)
12. Gloriana (5,9,1)
William 11 title (7,2,5,2,7)
any help please?...
19. The winner of the first recorded beauty contest (6)
28.The king Not I (4,7)
30. An african warrior queen rather
than a singer with a christmas birthday (4,5,2,5)
any help please?...
Really struggling with the last 6 sequences please can you help - Hope that I can describe them properly. What is the sequence and the 4th entry 1. 2007:KR 2009:JB 2013:SV 2. 3 4 (in a black box) 5 6...
Struggling with these sequences any help much appreciated?
1. 34 black, 56 blue, 78 red
2. Mr. Strong, Mr.Clever,Mr. Happy
3. An Ant, A Cow And A Lunar Lander...