1D Golf course left with credit (9) Is the answer WENTWORTH ? (Why?) 9A Well-known church formality (6) Is the answer STARCH ? (Why?) 11A Nonchalent heartless try at TV drama (8) C???E?T? 4D Yellow...
The Conservative voters amongst us only think they're bitter about having to "endure" the current government. Really they're just angered and ashamed that their own party has taken over 8 years...
The next door dog keeps coming into our garden and pooing in the garden. We can't afford to put a high fence up all along the boundary. The neighbours are friendly and we do not want to...
I thought you Quizzmaster ABers would be the ones to ask this- I am looking to buy my fiance a new encyclopaedia and wondered- which are the best? Are they all American? (I would much prefer...
does any one know the answer to todays questions? 1 Who gave Violet elevator blueprints for her birthday? 2 What principles did the Druids follow? 3 What may be substituted for celery in...
1) Who gave Violet elevator blueprints for her birthday?2) What principles did the Druids follow?3) What may be substituted for celery in one of the Snicket family's favorite picnic recipes?4) Which...