52a apply fertiliser to surface soil 3,5 TOP ----S 45d disreputable bunch 3,3 B-- LOT 10d being subject to, or oppressed by 5,5 -Y-N- -N-E- 49d old english historian 4 ---e
Not sure where to post this but does a formal Mobile Phone Etiquette exist and if so, how can I make others aware of it? It drives me crazy when people answer their mobile phones when invited to...
being subject to, or oppressed by (5.5) -y-n-/ -n-e- apply fertiliser to surface soil (3.5) t-p/ d---s old british historian 4 ---e 2nd letter is 6th in clue above
please can anyone help with these- 15a long to hold mythical creature like pig (7) 22a letters that irishman sent back (4) 1d where to put a shoe while in motion (2,3,4) 14d during break nastase now...
Thanks to all for help just have a few more Large bedroom has lack of warmth for rodents ?O???C? (7) Linger like bitumen ?A??? (5) 1990s sitcom on war footing,dig out ???T?N? FOR ?O? (7,3,3)
I had to attend a funeral on Monday and ever since I have felt really uplifted.Sounds strange I know.. but the deceased had wished for a humanist ceremony with a woodland burial. His wife told me that...