At what age did you leave home ? Or are you still living with mum and or dad? If so what age are ya? I left home at 18 , and never moved back. Does anyone know SORRy character like ronnie corbet...
ladies do u like to watch porn ? i had a chat with my friend this evening who said " eww no way thats for men " and i was a bit suprised , i like to watch porn so am i in the minority of women ?? ooo...
Hello, I live In Worcester, UK, and my nan lives in Ludlow Shropshire. I wonder what I need to know about registry weddings. Can I get married in Ludlow registry office or does it have to be your...
today i have been for a breast test , for the third over the years , and it is so painful ,for me , when i ask my friends they say its no problem for them , but my boobs feel as if they have been...
My beautiful sister gave birth to a gorgeous 8.5lb baby born this morning and i can honestly say i have never felt so much happiness... I was just wondering though why does auntie have two different...
I have Mcafee on trial at the moment,wich is due to finish shortly, can I then safely download another antivirus product say avg without uninstalling mcafee ? be very grateful for any help.
Just getting into I'm a Celebrity when football takes over! I don't mind football quite enjoy it but surely they can find another channel for football! Why should it take precedence over more popular...
Can anyone provide information to the background of this person? His parents were Robert Jones and Mari. That's as far as my search takes me. I am very much aware of his life so there's no need to...