I don't usually rant but here goes. The family record website FindMyPast is advertising free use of it's website for the weekend. Settling down with my names, clicking on first one to view details, I...
When playing the postcode lottery, do you have to use your own postcode?? I have checked previous winning postcodes and none in my area! They're all postcodes from outside London. And do you...
Two brooms were hanging in the closet and after a while they got to know each other so well, they decided to get married. One broom was, of course, the bride broom, the other, the groom broom. The...
I was looking at pictures of my recent 7 month old granddaughter and she still has no hair on her head. My boys had full head of hair when they were born. I know she won't be bald forever, but when...
Using open office and W10, I have a document which originally displayed in single pages, now it displays like a book with two pages side by side on the screen. I have gone to view, but cannot see how...
Mum is cleaning her 12 year old son's bedroom when she finds a load of serious bondage gear and fetish magazines. She calls her husband, "What do we do?" Husband replies "Well I am no expert, but one...
At a recent couples conference, the Speaker mentioned that many husbands & wives are so disconnected that 85% of husbands did not know their wife's favourite flower. Paddy turned to his wife next to...
Meghan account of how she handed over her passport etc.
Can someone who has completed census form answer. My elderly neighbour has asked me to help with this. So if I start the basics on her computer can I finish by entering the code on my computer at...
The great reggae icon, Bunny Wailed has passed. https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/1404644/bunny-wailer-dead-death-The-Wailers-Bob-Marley-stroke-news-latest-update...
My son & his wife have been living in Dublin for a year. if I want to send gifts like flowers or wine, I find it increasingly hard to find a website like Amazon who will deliver. Can anyone recommend...
Are you in favour??
The way I look at it, I can understand businesses & shops wanting to protect their customers, but to me the unvaccinated are taking the biggest risk....
This happened yesterday and is important information. A friend had his 2nd dose of the vaccine at the vaccination centre, after which he began to have blurred vision on the way home. When he got home,...